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7 Tips to Increase your Bladder Health

Do you leak when you laugh cough or sneeze? If not, it may only be a matter of time! There could be things you are doing everyday that damage your bladder and weaken your pelvic floor! 


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Types of Lubricants

66% of women use lubricants for vaginal dryness and/or sex! In this PDF I will cover oil-based, silicone-based, and water-based lubricants. Click for your free download!




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Therapeutic Masurbation

Feeling frustration due to the lack of reaching orgasm? Download this amazing instructional PDF written by Dr. Emily Nagoski 

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Am I doing Kegels Right?

There are actually 2 muscle groups you can target when doing Kegels. Targeting your slow twitch muscles will help you more effectively strengthen your pelvic floor! Download this pamphlet for a quick “How to”!

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7 Sexual Organs

Have you been looking to orgasm but don't know where to begin? Did you know that women have 7 sexual organs?






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Sexy Contexts

Create a great context: the environment that will help you feel most relaxed to get into a sexual mood!

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Is there a right way to pee?

Many women are taught to sit straight up on the toilet which can cause â…“ of the urine to stay in the bladder! Click to download a free pee positions PDF to see different positions that can help you fully empty your bladder!

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Sexual Temperament Questionnaire

Download our free PDF Questionnaire to see where you land on the sexual temperament scale!






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What is Overactive Bladder, and how does it affect you?

Here is a detailed description on what symptoms to look for!

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